Our company is your most reliable landscaping and maintenance service in the area. With over 10 years of experience in commercial and residential landscaping we can help you create your dream landscape!  We specialize in a broad range of landscaping techniques and work hand-in-hand with a team of architects and horticulturalists to bring you a well-rounded approach.  We follow the philosophy that each landscape is unique and provide each client with a personalized plan to fit the landscapes’ specific needs.
Call today for a free estimate.  
Owner  Paolo Manca
Office location 437 figueroa st Suite #104 Monterey,Ca 93940 
 831 277 4280   Office 831 324 0637
AVILA Residence  (joselin canyon rd)Monterey,ca 
Taylor Residence (Carmel Valley,CA)
Bruno's Residence( del monte golf Course)Mntr,ca
Bruno's Residence (Del monte golf course)mntr,CA
Paolo's design
Paolo's design